Obviously we've updated the website again! Hopefully you like the new look – but the main thing is that we've redesigned from the ground up and things should be much easier to update from now on. We'll see.
It has been an amazing year with Julan. Doesn't seem like she's grown a whole lot in terms of size, but I know that's not really true. You can feel it when you lift her up or find her getting into things that she couldn't reach before.
The main thing that freaks me is out is how SMART she is. Now, I know every parent thinks their child is a genius, and I know there is a difference between girls and boys in terms of development. But she came up to us the other day and said, "Javin is being especially rude today!" Now what three year old communicates like that? She knows her ABCs, colors, counts to twenty – she's too petite to skip a grade in school! Hard to believe she'll be going to kindergarten in just a couple of years. And driving. And dating! Getting married! Grandkids!?!?!?
Sorry 'bout that. Right now we're just enjoying our time together. Jolene was cleaning out Julan's closet the other day and called out from the other room, "I'm gonna pass these clothes along unless you think we might do this again someday!" It was uncomfortably silent for a moment as I let that sink in. Who knows, maybe someday, before I get too old.
Anyway, not a whole lot to write at the moment. Been playing with the new website for so long I just want to get it online. hopefully I've set it up in a way that it's almost like a blog and we can update funny or important moments as they happen. So check back often. I should be uploading some new pictures soon.